Learn-O-Spot is a not for profit and non-commercial organization to redefine education. It is a peer learning platform for everyone who wants to learn to the fullest. Although it is a not for profit initiative but, we assure you to provide the best education content absolutely for free.
We will bring to you the best study content, study material, concept videos and a lot more.
What will you get from us?
- Concept notes
- Concept videos
- Revision notes
- Strategy videos and tips
What you have to pay?
We are a not-for-profit organization, so you need not to pay a single penny for studying with us. The only thing which you have to do is to learn and share your knowledge to the fullest. And if you want to donate you can also donate us with whatever you want to.
Why Learn-O-Spot is different from other educational platform?
a) All the contents which are provided here are absolutely free of cost
b) We believe in peer learning so after learning with us, you can even become a tutor in Learn-O-Spot.